Sunday, February 23, 2020

How does buying a cup of coffee from Starbucks affect the environment Dissertation - 2

How does buying a cup of coffee from Starbucks affect the environment - Dissertation Example Starbuck’s, use of non –recyclable cups of synthetic nature can pollute the planet greatly and can cause irreversible damage to it. Starbucks being a huge food chain have captured the coffee market globally by taking on the increased demand of coffee lovers. They also maintain their good will by means of powerful advertisement they display in the international business arena. This coffee chain have spread over much part of the globe and have influenced people many people in buying their product , as it is assured to be the best and perfect in the market. This coffee chain has attempted to take action to make it products eco – friendly, but was not successful in its efforts. Seven stores of Starbucks in Manhattan have launched a cup-recycling program in collaboration with Global Green USA’s Coalition for Recovery in an effort to reduce the usage of non – recyclable in their coffee chains (Mohan ,2009). Much of the countries on global level, are facin g natural adversities because of the extreme exploitation and pollution of the nature. Even though the governments and legislations of various developed and developing countries create strategies and plans to implement environmental protection, less can be seen in action.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

No topic required Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

No topic required - Assignment Example (0.5pt) c) List the three most fatal volcanic hazards and give a short (one line or less) description of each (1.5pts) (3.5pts total) c. (1) pyroclastic flows – high speed avalanches of hot ash, rock fragments, and gas that move down the sides of the volcano during explosive eruptions. (2) Lava flows – molten rocks that flow out of the volcanic vent. (3) Tsunamis – a long period seismic generated by a sudden displacement of water. 3) a) What are the three Vs that a volcanic eruption depends on? b) What is the difference between magma and lava? c) Increasing magma’s viscosity increases or decreases its explosiveness? d) As sea floor spreads, new magma from the asthenosphere gets to the surface and drifts apart. Where does this type of process occur? (2 pts.; 0.5 each) 6) Earth Watch (March 26, 2012): An earthquake rocked the southwestern states of Mexico. a) What was the magnitude of this earthquake? (0.5 pts) b) Earth movements were felt in Indonesia as well with earthquakes of magnitude 6.2. Using the tables in book chapter 5, approximately how much less energy did this earthquake release compared to the one felt in Mexico? (1 pt.) c) New Zealand’s North Island also felt some movement with earthquakes of magnitude 4.7. Approximately, how much less energy did this earthquake release compared to the one in Mexico? (1pt) (2.5pts total) 7) Google Earth: Download the KMZ file titled Yellowstone from the class website and open the file in Google Earth. The names of the three most recent Yellowstone eruptions are labeled in blue with their ages (Ma is short for millions of years ago) and the extent of the ash fall from each eruption is diagramed by the three different red colors. a) What are the names of the three eruptions? How long ago was each eruption? (3pts) Using the Fly to option search for UCSD and locate it with respect to the Modern Yellowstone Caldera Rim. As in Homework 1, use the ruler tool to find